At, we want to make buying parts online as easy and enjoyable as possible. If you ordered something by mistake or if we shipped the wrong products, etc, we will be happy to work with you to make it right!

We've tried to make our policy pretty straight forward and clear, however we are human beings and can be flexible. Please Contact Us for any questions. After all this business is not about us, it is about YOU, the customer.

Order Cancellations:

Orders can be cancelled only before they have been shipped. All you have to do is contact us and provide the order # that you wish to cancel. We will immediately check if it has been shipped to determine whether said order can be cancelled and get right back to you.

IMPORTANT: Depending on Order / Fulfillment Volume at the warehouse, there might be a time gap between the time the order was shipped and the time the customer receives the shipping confirmation and tracking through e-mail. That is why we kindly ask that you contact us to make sure the order is eligible for cancellation.

In the case where a customer wants to cancel an order but it has already been shipped, we will gladly accept the returned items and issue a refund. But please note that the customer would be responsible for the return shipping cost and the original shipping cost will not be eligible for a refund.


If you wish to return a product for a refund, please contact us for return instructions. We will issue said refund for the product cost upon receiving and inspecting the product to make sure it is unused.

IMPORTANT: Please note the shipping Costs are non-refundable except in case of an error that could be considered as originated by I.E If a customer orders something by mistake and wants to send it back, we will gladly refund the product cost, but not the amount paid for shipping.

Damaged Products:

Even though we pack our products very carefully and our carriers handle the packages with care, there could be a slight chance that your product might be damaged upon arrival. If this is the case, please contact us and we will do our best to fix the problem or replace said items.

Stolen Packages:

Unfortunately, with the popularity of online shopping, package theft has been on the rise in recent years. This is rarely a problem with our orders, but we strongly advise you check your tracking number to know the approximate time of your delivery. We are not responsible for stolen packages once they have been delivered by the courier.


We will gladly exchange any item that has been unused. Again, shipping costs would be determined by whether the necessity was originated by, or the customer. Please contact us for any exchange inquiries.